
1.2~ Adjusting


04-22-17_5-06-28 PM

By the time summer had come around Pegasus was set up in the spare room of Draco’s apartment. Honestly, he felt even more miserable now than ever. He was adult, yet he was living with his older brother whose life was completely put together. Draco and Ruth were both breadwinners, their daughter Eleanor was a sweetheart with the same artistic compassion of her father. Their son, Ezekiel, though only four years old was a genius in his own right. Pegasus didn’t fit into this nuclear family at all, he was painfully average aside from his hair. He couldn’t play sports or draw things, he possessed a black hand and writing came to him about as easily as a thick milkshake through a straw. None of the subjects interested him either. Only photography had interested the young man, as well as cosmetology.04-22-17_5-12-40 PM

Though the two had talked it out before hand, Ruth was completely unhappy with having her children’s sinful uncle live under her roof. She had tried everything to deter Pegasus from staying but her husband was always one step ahead it seemed. Every time she spoke ill of him Draco’s cool demeanor evaporated, they fought constantly now because of it. Their relationship was getting rocky on its own, but Pegasus’s presence only seemed to make it worse (In his eyes that is.)

“I don’t like him being here.”

“And just why is that?”

“He’s a terrible influence on Ellie and Ezzy! I mean just look at him, my children should not have to grow up around such a man-child. I bet he isn’t even hurting that bad, he just wants the attention and you’re giving it to him!”04-22-17_5-06-58 PM

Little was she aware, Pegasus had his ears focused on their conversation. He was always listening to them, searching for the breaking point in his brother, awaiting the day he finally caves into his wife and leaves him alone to wallow in his own pity.

Waking up and getting out of bed sometimes proved to be a challenge. His brother was often worried of his depressive nature and it hurt him to see Pegasus this way. That’s why Draco was doing this,allowing him to stay despite his wife’s protests, a smile missing from Pegasus’s face is unacceptable. He may feel like a bother but it is Draco’s goal to make him see that he is not.04-22-17_5-13-30 PM

“Allow me to start with who are ‘your children’!? last I checked Ellie and Ezzy are 50% me as well! I will follow up with my BROTHER is not a man-child or faking this hurt! You did not grow up with Pegasus, you don’t know him like I do and the man you see is not him. He’s goofy and smiling all the time, he was hurt and his heart has been injured a lot.”

“Still! I don’t want him infecting-“


Ruth jumped, startled by his sudden outburst. Her children stare wide eyed at their parents, wondering what was going on. “Ellie, take Ezzy to your room and play with him there, okay?”

“Okay. . .”

04-22-17_5-15-56 PM

The young girl takes her little brother by the hand and guides him to their bedroom. Her only want to get away from her parents disruptive yelling.

Pegasus, not wanting these two young children to endure their parents fight, decides to finally leave the room and do something to make him cheer up, make iced tea.

04-22-17_5-10-53 PM

The fighting between Draco and Ruth stopped, though they still looked at one another in a hostile way, one that shouted ‘we’ll take about this later’ Pegasus decidedly pours a glass slowly and sits in the living chair closest to the two. Timidly he drinks from the glass, hoping they’re done for now and he can leave the room once the tension is cleared from the air.04-22-17_5-17-07 PM

“Hey Pegs, how you feeling?”

The lilac man does not answer. He takes another small sip and shrugs. Honestly he didn’t know, he was a hurricane of bad feelings right now. A sickening mix of guilt, sadness and stress that was starting to actually make him feel ill. The last few nights Ruth’s meals have ended back up in the bathroom, which was not helping her view of him.04-22-17_5-18-12 PM

Only a few choice things made Pegasus perk up lately, the kids and iced tea were two of them. When he was alone with them, it was like Pegasus was on top of the world. He was over-joyed to be caring for his niece and nephew, even when it seemed nobody was watching.

“So, Ruth and I are going on a little date night tonight. Would you be okay watching Ellie and Ezzy for a few hours? Usually Cassie watches them, but she’s working late.”

A faint smile played with Pegasus’s lips, a hoarse and tired “Yeah, sure” was his response.

“Perfect! Ellie, Ezzy! Come here a moment please!”

04-22-17_5-25-58 PM

Eleanor, six years old and dotted over by her mother, waved at her uncle as he passed her. He was on his way back to the kitchen in pursuit of a new glass of tea.

“Hi Uncle Peggy!” her cheerful voice practically sang, she was met with a smile and a wave in return before he turned the corner to the kitchen.04-22-17_5-27-35 PM

“Look at that beautiful girl! Am I in the same room a princess?”

Draco’s daughter giggles and shakes her head, curls bouncing all around her head as she does. “No, but I will be when i’m all grown up!”

“I’m sure you will be~ Listen, mumma and I are going out tonight, okay? Uncle Pegs is gonna watch you two. Be good for him.”

Ezekiel began fussing about it, he wasn’t much for letting his parents go somewhere without him. “No! Don’t go!”

Ruth took her youngest and held him close, she held him the whole time she was getting dressed and doing her hair. Opting to let him go as she needed to do her makeup. Ezekiel ran off to play with his own toys as his mother began to lay on the charm to his father.04-22-17_5-34-00 PM

“How do I look, Draco?”

He wanted to return to their conversation from earlier about Pegasus, but that was a little hard considering her appearance. She was stunning, and he ultimately decided maybe this talk to hold off till the morning.04-22-17_5-34-51 PM


04-22-17_5-59-25 PM

“That was the best macaroni ever! You’re the best Uncle Peggy. Auntie Cassie makes us gross ‘gluten-free, vegan’ stuff. I love you!”

The words swell in Pegasus’s heart, a six year old’s love is some of the purest love on the planet. A six year old won’t pretend to like you, he knows this ‘I love you’ is real. He needed to believe in that one love, without it he’d crumble under himself.

“I love you too, Ellie. Does Aunt Cassie let you watch TV in bed?”

“No! She makes us do puppet plays to entertain her”

“Absolutely dreadful! Come on munchkin, let’s go watch something in my room.”

The three spend the rest of their hours awake in Pegasus’s room watching a movie about a prince and how he’s awaiting the wed a princess, but his true love is the pauper. It was one of Eleanor’s favorites, Ezekiel fell asleep mere minutes into the movie thankfully.

About half-way in Eleanor drifted off as well. When the movie had ended in the late hours of the night, Pegasus gently woke Eleanor up and sent her to own bed. Pegasus however was stuck with Ezekiel, as he had fallen asleep on his chest.04-22-17_6-04-45 PM

Not wanting to disturb the little one, he decided to just sleep as he was, not bothering to turn out the light or get under the covers.

This was the kind’ve love Pegasus never doubted he had. He enjoyed the little reminders that he had it, but it wasn’t like this familial love would cure his romantic heartache. He often nights laid in bed wanting someone to be there with him in a romantic way.

That’s how he got involved with the tea parties and a man with a septum.

1.1~ The Aftermath

So it had finally come, Pegasus was done with the show. He was kicked out, didn’t get a rose. It was an awful feeling, he felt personally responsible for doing something wrong. More than anything he blamed his compliance to Gael’s flirting. It was stupid, the worst thing he could have ever done. Pegasus was weak and somehow Gael found that out and had him wrapped so tight around his finger that he was completely blind sighted by their dramatic farewells.

Pegasus was no idiot, he had followed Gael’s every social media when they became close. Having found a friend he latched onto it and wanted to keep in touch. So of course he witnessed all the scandal, all the outcry about the relationship being shown, and most importantly he witnessed Gael using it to promote.

Gael was smarter than he let on, the manipulative little son of a-

By the time Pegasus was off the show Gael was rising and throwing enough slander to make even the nastiest politician look away in horror. The worst of it was online, though he had seen Gael once outside of his computer. The night he was released from the show, Gael was stood there waiting. It sparked a stupid little flutter in his heart, his big heart wanted to believe maybe Gael hadn’t meant it.

They embraced, it was so comforting and familiar. Something he desperately needed as another round of tears threatened him. A faint whisper came as he felt his lilac curls being twisted around fingers.

“You’re a f&^*$^@ idiot, babe~ Thanks for the track.”

Like that he was gone again, Pegasus had been thoroughly used and thrown away. He’s faced this far too many times in life. After awhile it seems easy to give up.

So Pegasus did. He gave up trying to get close to people.

Before we get into that too far though, allow me to show you what Pegasus’s little breakdown caused.

~ . ~ . ~

Pegasus silently thanked whatever being out there was looking out for him these past few days. The salon was unbearably slow so he was able to keep his outfits in the way of not letting onto his destructive nature. Honestly if anybody saw what happened to him and the spiral he’s been on he’d be too ashamed to ever work in a salon again.

The salon was a quaint little thing in a sleepy part of town. Everyone knew everyone and if you even considered dating around here it was like sin. The town was a family and because of it word traveled awfully fast. However, the people around here weren’t big on electronics, so avoiding the scandal at home was fairly easy.

“Peggy! You’re back!!”

However, out of town family who have been down your neck about the whole ordeal are not easy to avoid. As much as Pegasus loved Draco and Cassiopeia, he didn’t really want to talk about it with them. His siblings had always been on an odd plane about his sexuality- actually no. His sister was always on an odd plane about it, she works with the fruitiest people in business but she thinks being bisexual is mythical.

Throughout work the two tried getting Pegasus to talk, but he simply kept his eyes on the hair in his hands and didn’t worry about anything else.


04-20-17_7-36-15 PM

“Cable, ugh. Television is so overrated.” the albino woman complained about a number of things, Pegasus’s home, his lifestyle and most things he took joy in. Even the simple joys like owning a tv. After work that day his siblings followed him home. Having spent the last six hours in the car just to see him, they weren’t eager to go home without confronting him first about what happened on the Bachelorette.

04-20-17_7-37-07 PM

“So Pegs, what happened-“


“Excuse me? Who do you think you’re talking to?!”

Pegasus took his eyes off the popcorn maker and found a place next to his sister on the sofa. “You Cassio! I don’t want to bring it up okay!? I already feel like a complete fool and I do NOT need you to criticize me about it! I got enough of that bull crap in high school!”

Cassiopeia gasps for only  moment before anger covers her face like a veil. “I am your older sister and I will not be talked to like this!”

“You’re impossible! This isn’t a soap opera or a Broadway show! It’s real f*&#^$( life, maybe you could a grip on it one day!”04-20-17_7-42-14 PM

“Alright children, must I separate you two?” a third voice said coolly, inviting himself to the quarrel. It was his job since Pegasus was born to keep these two from ripping one another apart. Draco was the eldest of the Major’s and keeping his siblings at bay has been like a unpaid job since they were kids.

“Do you HEAR the way he’s talking to me!? If mother were here she’d have washed his mouth out!”

“And she would have your bottom red for being such a whiny woman. Honestly you two are fully grown, I’d have thought by now you’re over this. My children are six and four- this is exactly how they fight.” 

“Ugh,, I cannot believe you! I’m only fighting him on this because he’s miserable. Plus, look at him!! He’s not okay, I know my little brother and he does not wear hats.

04-20-17_7-41-34 PM

“I-. . . I had a change of heart. Ashley he- He taught me they can quite cute and that sometimes it’ll pull together an outfit”

Cassiopeia rolled her eyes and moved to take off the hat, “Oh please! Take that damn thing off already-“

“No! Cassio please don’t I had a bit of a Brittney moment after the show and-“

It was too late, she ripped the hat off of her brother’s head and screamed in horror as she saw the state of his hair. “Oh my god! What happened to you!? This is-“

Draco stood and took his little brother by the arm, gently pulling him up and softly requested he get changed and meet him outside. Clearly this talk needed to be more intimate, his hurt was bad and Draco could tell he needed this offer more than ever thought.


04-20-17_7-47-37 PM

“Move!? Draco I can’t! The salon, my regulars, my-“

The older man put a large hand over Pegasus’s and hushed him. “My request is not for you to move to San Myshuno alone Pega. He has hurt you, she has hurt you, and you have hurt yourself now. The cycle will not end if you stay in a place where you only have your thoughts to terrorize you all day. I ask you move in with me until your mindset is right again. Please, as your older brother I worry for you.”

The two talk till dusk, and by the end of the night it’s agreed. Pega would be moving to San Myshuno and live with his brother.